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Polestar 4

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Polestar CEO shares pricing for upcoming Polestar 3 and 4 SUVs expected to compete with Porsche

Polestar 3 pricing

Following a completed SPAC merger and fruitful first half of 2022, Polestar continues to ingrain itself in a growing EV market as a genuine contender. Although we won’t see the official debut of the Polestar’s next EV until October, CEO Thomas Ingenlath has shared the starting pricing of the Polestar 3. Additionally, Ingenlath shared insight on the pricing the Swedish automaker is aiming for on the Polestar 4.

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Polestar publicly reveals Polestar 5, shares three-year plan for two additional EV models

Polestar 5

During a live event at the Classic Car Club in Manhattan, Polestar has shared its three-year business plan that includes the launch of three new EVs, including two SUVs and the Polestar 5 sports sedan. Furthermore, the Swedish automaker shared its 2021 revenue, alongside promising sales projections for 2025.

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