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White House

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White House and EPA pen scathing letters to USPS over next-gen vehicle plan, including EV misinformation


Ever since Oshkosh received a $6 billion contract from the United States Postal Service for the development of a new mail delivery vehicle, the contract has drawn controversy. Oshkosh’s plan includes primarily gas-powered vehicles, and it won out over another plan for all-electric vehicles. Now the White House is urging the Postmaster General to fulfill his responsibilities and accelerate the modernization of the delivery vehicle fleet.

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Pope Francis addressed air pollution concerns during a speech at the White House

150923-pope-white-house-mn-0930_589c6d84d1e6eb05e9b9256909ccd026.nbcnews-fp-1200-800Pope Francis arrived in DC this morning for his first visit in the U.S. and he addressed the crowd at the White house following President Obama’s ‘welcome speech’. In his speech, the Pontiff reiterated his concerns over  air pollution and encouraged the President’s initiative to address it.